
Home » Celebrating One Year As Accies President: Andy Calder Interview

Celebrating One Year As Accies President: Andy Calder Interview

Andy, congratulations on one year as President of The Glasgow Academical Club. Tell us, what does Accies mean to you on a personal level?

Going back to my school days, all pupils were largely very aware of The Academical Club, and I’m very proud to be a Life Member. The network is there, your friendships are there, and you don’t even necessarily need to be a sporting enthusiast, because that network and sense of community is the most important thing. I’ve known some of these people for 40-50 years now with many of us now having kids at the school – feeling old!

What made you want to undertake the role of President?

Well, my predecessor Pete Brown had been telling me about the position at The Club, wider relationships, etc. He was very unfortunate with his time in the role given that it was during the Covid period; so he was very limited with what could be done and what could be implemented. I’m always a big believer in trying to give something back in life: I enjoyed my time at school here, my kids go here, and I thought with some of the challenges that lay ahead I could offer some value and put a bit of energy into the role. Giving something back was the real motivator.

Did you ever think when you were at school that one day you would be President of Accies?

No, not at all. For us of ‘a certain age/vintage’, school was very different, certainly from a discipline perspective, but there was a huge degree of respect – for both masters at the school and representatives of The Academical Club. I think the core element of our thinking back then was our awareness of The Club, be it from sport or from the community network of friendships.

Spectators enjoying the friendly atmosphere at New Anniesland

What attributes have served you well in carrying out the role over this past year?

I think I’m a good people person and I network pretty well. What that has allowed me to do is strengthen further the relationship with the school and form new ties with the wider Academical community. I think that’s probably been my biggest asset and there are a number of ongoing projects which I’m working on with the wider school and Academical community which will hopefully bode well for the future and my successor. I’m also very fortunate that my CEO at Loch Lomond Group, Colin Matthews, former pupil also, has been very supportive as you will have seen, not only with the Glasgow Accies Rugby Club sponsorship but wider initiatives at events and some of the Limited Edition releases we have rolled out – all to engineer some life back into The Club in its own way – selfishly it also ensures people get to enjoy some of our award-winning brands!

The rugby season in particular ended in such spectacular fashion, what did that day mean to you?

Yes, that was terrific. I think throughout the whole season something was bubbling away, it felt like something special was happening – albeit there were some bumps on the road. When you walk into that clubhouse there’s a genuine welcome there and it’s lovely to see. The major credit has to go to the energy, investment, time and finance that Niall Campbell has put into that club, along with Donald Reid and the wider committee. Credit of course as well to our coaches, Ryan and Ruaridh in particular. They started off with the team building elements, they identified what the team needed to do, what they needed to be, and I think that was the most important thing because it laid the foundations for what was to come.

Niall Campbell

Everything we’ve been working on collectively, it almost seemed appropriate that it all came down to the last day of the season. It finished in the dramatic fashion that we all saw and for a former pupil to score the title-winning try in the manner he did, was the perfect ending. I read one blog that described the victory as ‘The Miracle at New Anniesland’ which I thought was quite an apt description. Overall, it builds momentum, and we now need to take that success, look at the ‘whys and whats’ and not only help the Rugby Club further succeed on and off the pitch but take the successful elements and replicate them across the wider Sports Club.

The pitch at New Anniesland has won plaudits from visitors across the country, how impressed have you been by the work that has gone into it?

Someone recently commented that you could play an international on that pitch and that is really vital for the style of rugby which Ryan and Ruaridh want to play, having that calibre of pitch is so important. It’s spectacular, it really is, and huge credit should go to Robert Cheape and his team.

Glasgow Accies RFC, National League 2 Champions 22/23

What’s next for Accies as a whole?

Firstly, to maintain and drive momentum with the school and wider shareholders – there are very strong bonds with the Chair of the Governors, the wider Board, the Rector, Gavin Halliday in his COO role and closer ties with External Relations; those foundations are key for any success in the future for us all and each one of them has been very supportive of my ideas and thinking.

I do want to drive even greater awareness of The Academical Club within Colebrooke St – within the pupil, staff, and parental community. I have agreed with the Rector that a ‘Young Glasgow Academical Club’ will be part of the Senior Leadership Team group at school, which is a great start and of course the Annual Festival of Sport is evolving into quite a key event in the calendar. I’m also working with the school on some plans for merging a typical Saturday set of school fixtures with a Glasgow Accies home match and creating a type of ‘Australian’ day where the pupils start in the morning and build through the various year group matches, culminating in both parents and pupils, hopefully, staying through to watch the Accies match with various attractions throughout the day. The school pipe band has added some real atmosphere to home games at New Anniesland, the Rector and David Henderson have been very supportive.

I’ve also just appointed Sandy Fitzpatrick (Class of 1988) as Chair of the Sports Club, and I know Sandy will do a great job there with many initiatives planned alongside and supported by an ever-evolving committee.

And perhaps another headline to plans would be with our marketing which we have started discussions upon, we really do need to consolidate our sports social media accounts as one. Academy Made will also play a key role and drive more good news stories within both the community in general and in sport.

Lastly, our success really does rely upon volunteers – so one thing I would say is that if there’s anyone in the Academical community who could help, in even the smallest way, I know that both the Club and the wider committees would be hugely grateful.

When the time eventually comes to pass the baton, what would you like your legacy as President to be?

That the relationship between the club and the school is as strong as it can possibly be and as I mentioned before we see that Accies awareness continue to grow within the school. The relationship with the school is in such a great place and it’s vitally important that continues as we look to make some very exciting initiatives a reality.

Ultimately though, I want to do as much as I can, as well as I can, and leave the post and The Club in a better place for my successor.

Glasgow Accies Ladies Hockey Club 22/23

Finally, The Glasgow Academical Club Dinner returns in November with some exciting plans already announced, tell us what to expect from the evening?

I have a sense that this will be a great evening. Securing Baroness Ruth Davidson as our guest speaker is fantastic, and I am confident that her personality and humour will mean a great night for all. Last year, the support was terrific – we had almost 300 guests, a great split of ladies and gentlemen and crucially a fantastic response from more recent year groups ensuring we have ‘the younger ones’ recognizing the Annual Dinner, some for the very first time. We’ll shortly be releasing the specific details and based upon several enquiries put to me already, I’m expecting a sell-out and I look forward to another wonderful evening come November.


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